Chi è Startec S.r.l. ?
Startec S.r.l. has been designing and manufacturing electronics for industrial and civil automation for 28 years: customised solutions, control panels, cloud platforms, apps and safety sensors
Electronic and sensing solutions for industrial and civil automation
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Ultime news
Inverter or Non-Inverter? How to Choose the Right Controller for Your Automation
In the field of industrial and civil automation, selecting the appropriate controller is essential for ensuring efficiency, performance, and safety. One of the fundamental choices involves the use of inverters versus non-inverter controllers...
R+T Stuttgart Trade Fair
Startec S.r.l. Presenting Innovative Solutions for Industrial and Civil Automation at the R+T 2024 Event
"Sicurezza" trade fair Milan Rho 22-24 November 2021
Visit us at
>> Hall 10 / Stand F15 <<
We'll have lots of new products to show you and for you to try for yourself.